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Chosen Women's Ministry

My dear friends, God loves you, and we know he has CHOSEN you to be his people. 1 Thessalonians 1:4 (CEV)

Chosen and Covered Ministries desire to see our beautiful sisters walking in their God given FREEDOM in turn using their DELIVERANCE to minister to other sisters so much so that our young ladies and women of God will be able to ENCOURAGE, EMPOWER and EQUIP one another.



The mission of Chosen and Covered Ministries is to ENCOURAGE, EMPOWER and EQUIP women reminding them that:


  • what they are willing to walk away from they have mastered, but what they cannot walk away from has mastered them and it’s time for a change;

  • whatever they need is within their reach, but they must stop waiting for someone else to give it them and go after it for themselves; 

  •  time is their enemy, but timing is their best friend, because it’s God’s timing that is important not theirs, therefore they must wait on the Lord.




Chosen and Covered Ministries desires to see our beautiful sisters walking in their God given FREEDOM in turn using their DELIVERANCE to minister to other sisters so much so that our young ladies and women of God will be able to ENCOURAGE, EMPOWER and EQUIP one another.

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