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Encouraging, Empowering and Equipping for advancing the Kingdom of God 

 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9)

Welcome to Chosen and Covered Ministries, the church without walls, where we are seeking to transform lives by creating authentic relationships with Jesus Christ and each other, by encouraging, empowering and equipping believers with the Word of God.  Chosen and Covered Ministries (CCM) was a vision given by God to Minister Janice Preston and like Jonah, Minister Preston was disobedient to God and ran.  Though conversations regarding this ministry begin to formulate, they were just conversations, because Minister Preston felt that God had not granted her the permission to move forward.  CCM while still in the conversational stages started with a very small launch team who immediately grasped the vision and went to work.  In October 2020, CCM’s Women’s Ministry moment “Take Off the Mask” evolved into a monthly women’s meeting.  In February 2021, CCM started a Bible Study specifically for Black History Month that evolved into a Women’s Bible Study for the month of March, which is now an ongoing weekly Bible Study on Thursday night.  


In Isaiah 43:19, God said “See, I am doing a new thing!” CCM, it is time to move!  In March 2021, the Board of CCM met to establish the foundation for the Church.  In May 2021, CCM launched its first official fundraising effort “Hats & Pearls Moving on Brunch” to begin laying the groundwork for the Church.  Chosen and Covered Ministries will officially open the doors of the church in January 2022. 

ENCOURAGE, EMPOWER and EQUIP God's people to advance the Kingdom of God by creating an authentic worship environment and developing authentic relationships that will manifest God's word.​


Our Vision

ENCOURAGE to deal with the broken places within,


EMPOWER through the healing testimonies of others,


EQUIP with the Word of God!


Be Encouraged

Join our daily prayer line. Connect with our Chosen Community.

Be Empowered

Take the first steps in taking back your God given destiny.


Be Equipped 

Join us in Bible Study to be equipped with God's word.

Our Mission

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